Contact details and how to find us
Claire Destrée Alexander Technique Brussels asbl 95 rue Antoine Gautier 1040 Brussels, Belgium 32.(0)473/29.22.27
claire.destree63@gmail.com www.alexander-technique-brussels.be
Public transportation :
- Metro : Mérode (10 min. walk) or Schuman (15 min. walk)
- Tram 81 (stop at ‘acacias’)
- Bus 34 (stop at ‘la Chasse’)
- Tram 23,24,25 (stop at ‘Arsenal’)
Map :
Larger Map
"To know when we are wrong is all we shall ever know in this world" F.M.Alexander
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Photograph of F. M. Alexander © 2010, The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique, London